


Excelling in Job Interviews with Expert Coaching

Excelling in Job Interviews with Expert Coaching

Securing a job interview is just the beginning of your journey towards a successful career. To stand out from the competition and impress potential employers, you need to excel in job interviews. That’s where OSG comes in. With our expert job interview coaching services, we provide the guidance and resources you need to master the art of interviewing. Let’s explore the service process offered by OSG and how it can help you ace your next job interview.

Tailoring Packages for Students with Weak Fundamentals and Vague Job Interests

We begin with an initial assessment to better understand your strengths, weaknesses, and career aspirations. Based on this assessment, we customize a package to enhance your curriculum plans and background. Additionally, we help you explore job opportunities and find the right career direction that aligns with your interests and skills.

Guiding Students with a Good Basis and Clear Career Objectives

For students who already have a solid foundation and clear career objectives, we focus on strategizing timelines and application approaches. Our expert coaches will work with you to craft compelling personal stories that showcase your unique qualifications and experiences, increasing your chances of success.

Assisting Students In Switching Career Objectives Halfway

If you find yourself switching career objectives midway, we are here to support your transition. Our team will help you strengthen your fundamentals and deepen your understanding of the industry you’re transitioning into. We’ll also provide guidance on improving your interview performance to ensure a smooth and successful switch.

Professional Mentors and Resources

Resume and Cover Letter Revision for Maximum Impact: Our expert job interview coaching will revise your resume and cover letters to make them stand out. We’ll help you highlight your key achievements and skills, ensuring that your application materials make a lasting impression.

Guiding Effective Networking Strategies: Networking plays a crucial role in today’s job market. We’ll provide guidance on effective networking strategies, including cold emails and mock coffee chats, to help you build valuable connections. We’ll also help you break cultural barriers and navigate networking interactions with confidence.

Assisting with Campus Resources: We understand the importance of leveraging campus resources for career advancement. Our team will assist you in applying for top organizations and clubs that can enhance your background and credentials, giving you a competitive edge.

One-on-One Lessons and All-Round Knowledge Building

To excel in job interview coaching, you need to master both behavioral and technical aspects. OSG offers comprehensive one-on-one lessons to help you develop the necessary skills and knowledge.

Mastering Behavioral Interview Techniques: Our coaches will provide 13 hours of one-on-one lessons focused on behavioral interview techniques. You’ll learn how to answer common interview questions, showcase your strengths, and demonstrate your fit for the role and the company.

In-Depth Industry and Sector Knowledge: For technical interviews, we offer 20-24 hours of one-on-one lessons to deepen your understanding of the industry and sector you’re targeting. We’ll cover written tests, video interviews, and provide many-to-one guidance to ensure you’re well-prepared and confident.

Comprehensive Practice Sessions: Practice makes perfect. OSG provides multiple practice sessions to simulate real interview settings. Our high-level mentors will guide you through mock interviews, offering comprehensive feedback and guidance on stock pitches, market news, M&A deals, and case studies. This rigorous preparation will help you perform at your best during the actual interview.


Job interview coaching from OSG can make all the difference in your career journey. With our tailored service process, professional mentors and resources, and comprehensive one-on-one lessons, you’ll be equipped with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel in job interviews. Prepare to make a lasting impression on potential employers and secure the job of your dreams with OSG’s expert coaching services.